Free Executive Assessment (EA) Test Questions

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 Question EA-PS-1Quadratic EquationMedium
 Question EA-PS-2Linear EquationChallenging
 Question EA-PS-3FunctionsChallenging
 Question EA-PS-4AverageMedium
 Question EA-PS-5Linear EquationHard
 Question EA-PS-6InequalityChallenging
 Question EA-PS-7GeometryMedium
 Question EA-PS-8GeometryChallenging
 Question EA-PS-9GeometryChallenging
 Question EA-PS-10Speed/Time/DistanceMedium
 Question EA-DS-1FunctionsChallenging
 Question EA-DS-2Number PropertiesHard
 Question EA-DS-3Number PropertiesHard
 Question EA-DS-4StatisticsChallenging
 Question EA-DS-5StatisticsHard
 Question EA-DS-6Co-Ordinate GeometryHard
 Question EA-DS-7Number PropertiesChallenging
 Question EA-DS-8Quadratic EquationChallenging
 Question EA-DS-9AverageChallenging
 Question EA-DS-10Geometry (3D)Hard
 Question EA-CR-1Weaken the ArgumentEasy
 Question EA-CR-2Evaluate the ArgumentEasy
 Question EA-CR-3BoldfaceEasy
 Question EA-CR-4Method of ReasoningEasy
 Question EA-CR-5Strengthen the ArgumentChallenging
 Question EA-CR-6Flaw in the ArgumentChallenging
 Question EA-CR-7Resolve the ParadoxChallenging
 Question EA-CR-8Complete the ArgumentHard
 Question EA-CR-9Assumption of the ArgumentHard
 Question EA-CR-10InferenceHard
 Question EA-RC-1 10 Questions - Variable Level
 Question EA-SC-1Parallelism; Preposition; Redundancy 
 Question EA-SC-2Parallelism; Preposition; Subject-Verb Agreement 
 Question EA-SC-3Redundancy; Rhetorical Construction; Tenses 
 Question EA-SC-4Modifier; Rhetorical Construction 
 Question EA-SC-5Comparison; Modifier; Subject-Verb Agreement 
 Question EA-SC-6Parallelism; Rhetorical Construction 
 Question EA-SC-7Modifier; Parallelism; Tenses 
 Question EA-SC-8Logical Comparison; Preposition; Pronoun-Antecedent 
 Question EA-SC-9Modifier; Rhetorical Construction 
 Question EA-SC-10Parallelism; Redundancy; Rhetorical Construction 

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Tips Preparing for EA


Decided for the Executive Assessment over the GMAT because of time? Given that there are many similarities between the two exams, there are certain skills that apply to all standardized exams. This article will provide you with the necessary tools to achieve a top score on the EA while efficiently preparing with limited time.

When Should I Take the EA?


Struggling to figure out how you will schedule enough time to take the GMAT? Good news, there is an alternative to the GMAT for many MBA programs in the form of the Executive Assessment. Finding the appropriate date to take the EA will help you feel more confident on test day with a prep schedule that fits into your already busy calendar.

Love the EA


Having anxiety over taking the Executive Assessment? If you read this article, you will see that it is a very learnable exam and there is no reason to worry. Implementing this knowledge will unlock your full potential and allow you to go into the preparation with a positive mental state.