Why you should love the Executive Assessment

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Many people feel sensations of pleasure and thrill when chasing some sort of business sales target or personal milestone. It could be favorable to view the Executive Assessment as chasing the goal of conquering this exam that will open up your future. Approaching the preparation period with a positive mental attitude can allow you to have fun with the process leading to more productive prep sessions and less frustration when tackling more difficult topics. Although the content covered on the EA can seem overwhelming, the Executive Assessment is very learnable, especially when you are a goal-driven prospective MBA or EMBA student looking to build a bright career. Below we lay out a few reasons why the EA should be a challenge to welcome instead of shut out:

  1. The EA will help develop your critical thinking skills
    Critical thinking skills are developed throughout your educational career and are actually a sign of intelligence, but it is also an area that can benefit from improvement, especially for potential MBA or EMBA students. The Executive Assessment requires skills that allow you to assess data and critically reason, making it extremely important to display your self-guided and self-disciplined modes of reasoning at your highest level. By improving critical thinking skills, you are able to figure out where ideas can be flawed or biased instead of relying on the age-old idea of wishful thinking. Critical thinking skills must be cared for and developed in order to bring forth advantageous new ideas instead of flawed misconceptions.

  2. Use the computer adaptive format to you advantage
    The EA, like the GMAT, wants to measure your critical thinking skills by adjusting the difficulty through your proficiency, i.e. the questions get more difficult as you answer more correctly. On the EA you will not be competing with other test takers, but actually with the exam itself. With adaptive difficult being used on the EA, each question is specifically designed to assess each individual student increasing your chances of coming to the solution.

  3. The EA can bolster your application
    You can view your application for business school as a summary of your educational and professional experiences, so it is important to realize that the committee isn’t focusing on specific area, but rather the entire scope of both aspects. If you have a lower that desirable GPA or background in something nonbusiness related then a high score on the Executive Assessment can capture the attention of the admissions department and show them that you possess the necessary skills to succeed in their program. Many experts in the field even say that the score on the EA or GMAT actually outweighs many other details on your application.

  4. Having a knack for math makes the EA fun
    Most students who decide to pursue an MBA or EMBA and have to tackle the GMAT or EA are quite adept with numbers. Not only that, but those who have a talent for quantitative reasoning see the EA as a challenge and way to measure to their math knowledge. Quantitative skills are necessary for a successful business school career and the you will have to show your propensity for those topics regardless of your academic background and talent for math related topics. Stay positive about the process and try to focus on the important educational and professional skills you will develop on your journey.

  5. Study for the EA will be advantageous for your future career
    Your Executive Assessment scores are permanent and are a good way to impress potential future employers. A high score can serve as evidence to the dedication and patience you had to display to prepare properly. It also shows how you developed a skillset with critical thinking and data analysis, which are transferrable to many professions, especially those in the real world of business. Future employers or committees can see your score as a reflection of your ability to adapt and deal with foreign situations and convince them that you simply possess the mental fortitude to make it in the business world. Take the EA seriously and it will provide you with a great advantage for future endeavors.

Going into your Executive Assessment preparation period with a negative attitude can only hinder the progress you wish to make. Using this text as a way to change your mindset and look at the EA with a sense of enthusiasm will increase your chances of hitting your optimal performance level comes test day. By taking the EA seriously and having the mindset that obtaining a high score will take ample effort and time, you will take yourself one step closer to hitting a milestone that will open up both your academic and professional future.

When Should I Take the EA?


Struggling to figure out how you will schedule enough time to take the GMAT? Good news, there is an alternative to the GMAT for many MBA programs in the form of the Executive Assessment. Finding the appropriate date to take the EA will help you feel more confident on test day with a prep schedule that fits into your already busy calendar.

Love the EA


Having anxiety over taking the Executive Assessment? If you read this article, you will see that it is a very learnable exam and there is no reason to worry. Implementing this knowledge will unlock your full potential and allow you to go into the preparation with a positive mental state.

Tips Preparing for EA


Decided for the Executive Assessment over the GMAT because of time? Given that there are many similarities between the two exams, there are certain skills that apply to all standardized exams. This article will provide you with the necessary tools to achieve a top score on the EA while efficiently preparing with limited time.